Welcome to the crowdfunding platform of the Kite4Life Foundation.
Will you help us realize our dream? The progress of our campaigns can be monitored here and live via our own online crowdfunding page. A way to keep everyone involved, a transparent method to showcase the collected funds & what it will be spent on. This specific crowdfunding aims to help us buy 100x Trainer Kites (2 lined small kites, including a steering bar and a safety leash) for our new program Kite4Kids.
Would you like to donate and have no access to a Dutch bank account? No problem.
Please click here to use PayPal.
Thank you!
Helpt u ons mee onze dromen te realiseren? Via de eigen online crowdfundingpagina kan de voortgang van onze campagnes live worden bijgehouden. Zo blijft iedereen betrokken en is het volledig helder en transparant hoeveel geld er is ingezameld en waaraan het geld wordt besteed. Is het doel bereikt? Dan komt onze droom uit!